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11 Reddit Ads Examples You Need To Learn From

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Reddit ads

Discover effective Reddit ad strategies with real examples. Learn how to create engaging ads that resonate with Reddit's unique community.

Table of contents

Reddit is a popular website with many different groups, called subreddits, where people talk about specific topics. 

This makes it a great place for advertisers to reach the right audience. 

The following examples will show different ways brands have made their ads stand out and connect with Reddit users. 

By seeing what works, you can get ideas for your own ads on Reddit.

1. Reddit for Business – Promoting your brand on Reddit

Target audience:

  • Marketers and business owners looking for effective advertising platforms.
  • Brands interested in exploring new channels for brand awareness.

What’s nice about it:

  • Uses Reddit’s familiar and beloved mascot, the Reddit alien, which resonates with the community.
  • The ad copy is casual and relatable, using a whispering tone to suggest insider knowledge.
  • Highlights the benefits of Reddit advertising in a straightforward and engaging manner.

Key takeaways:

  • Authenticity: The ad uses a casual and familiar tone that fits well with Reddit’s culture.
  • Visual appeal: Leveraging the Reddit alien helps in catching the attention of Reddit users.
  • Clear value proposition: Emphasizes that Reddit ads are effective and not expensive, appealing to cost-conscious marketers.

2. Taco Bell UK – Bacon grilled cheese quesadilla

Target audience:

  • Fast food lovers and Taco Bell fans.
  • People looking for quick and tasty meal options.

What’s nice about it:

  • Repetitive and catchy copy that emphasizes the main ingredients, creating a memorable and mouth-watering description.
  • High-quality image of the product that highlights its deliciousness.

Key takeaways:

  • Repetition: Using repetition in the copy makes it catchy and memorable.
  • Visual emphasis: High-quality food images can make the ad more appealing and effective.
  • Urgency: Mentioning that it is a limited-time offer encourages immediate action.

3. – AI-generated product videos & images

Target audience:

  • Small business owners and marketers without design skills.
  • Social media managers looking to improve their content quality effortlessly.

What’s nice about it:

  • Uses a familiar meme format which is engaging and relatable to the Reddit community.
  • Clear and straightforward messaging that highlights the ease of use and benefits.

Key takeaways:

  • Relatable content: Using popular meme formats can make ads more engaging.
  • Simplicity: Highlighting ease of use and clear benefits can attract users who are looking for simple solutions.
  • Visual humor: Incorporating humor in the visuals helps in making the ad memorable and shareable.

4. Reddit for Business – Best ad ever seen

Target audience:

  • Brands and businesses skeptical about the effectiveness of Reddit ads.
  • Marketers looking for new platforms to reach engaged audiences.

What’s nice about it:

  • Uses a popular and humorous meme style that fits well with Reddit’s culture.
  • Directly addresses common skepticism about Reddit ads and provides a confident rebuttal.

Key takeaways:

  • Humor and memes: Using humor and popular meme formats can make ads more relatable and engaging.
  • Addressing skepticism: Directly addressing common concerns and countering them can build trust.
  • Community resonance: Ads that resonate with the community’s culture and humor are more likely to be well-received.

5. Omnisend – WooCommerce email marketing plugin

Target audience:

  • Ecommerce business owners using WooCommerce.
  • Marketers looking for effective email marketing solutions.

What’s nice about it:

  • Highlights a strong value proposition with a high rating and trusted user base.
  • Simple and professional design that clearly communicates the product’s benefits.

Key takeaways:

  • Credibility: Showcasing high ratings and a large user base builds trust and credibility.
  • Simplicity: Clear and professional design helps in quickly communicating the ad’s message.
  • Targeted messaging: Tailoring the message to a specific audience (WooCommerce users) can increase relevance and effectiveness.

6. Financial Times – AMA with Claer Barrett

Target audience:

  • Reddit users interested in personal finance and investing.
  • Individuals looking for expert advice on financial matters.

What’s nice about it:

  • Personal and direct invitation from a recognizable figure, making it feel more personal and engaging.
  • Highlights the opportunity for users to engage directly with an expert through an AMA (Ask Me Anything) session.

Key takeaways:

  • Personal touch: Using a personal and direct approach makes the ad more engaging.
  • Interactive content: Promoting interactive sessions like AMAs can drive higher engagement.
  • Expertise: Featuring an expert adds credibility and attracts users seeking knowledgeable insights.

7. JetBrains – The State of Developer Ecosystem 2023

Target audience:

  • Software developers and engineers.
  • Tech enthusiasts interested in industry trends and tools.

What’s nice about it:

  • Uses data from a large survey, making the insights credible and valuable.
  • The visual design is modern and tech-oriented, appealing to the target audience.
  • Highlights key insights about popular programming languages and technologies.

Key takeaways:

  • Credibility through data: Using survey data from a large sample size adds credibility and attracts interest.
  • Tech-focused design: Modern and clean design appeals to a tech-savvy audience.
  • Clear value proposition: Emphasizes the importance of the insights provided, making it attractive for professionals looking to stay updated.

8. Atera – IT management platform

Target audience:

  • IT professionals and managers.
  • Companies looking for efficient IT management solutions.

What’s nice about it:

  • Highlights a high customer rating, which builds trust.
  • Compares Atera with another IT platform, showing its superiority.
  • Offers a free 30-day trial, encouraging users to try the service without commitment.

Key takeaways:

  • Trust through ratings: High customer ratings build trust and credibility.
  • Competitive comparison: Comparing with a competitor highlights the unique advantages.
  • Free trial: Offering a free trial lowers the barrier to entry and encourages experimentation.

9. GroApps – One-click upsell funnels

Target audience:

  • Shopify store owners with large catalogs.
  • Ecommerce businesses looking to boost revenue with upsell strategies.

What’s nice about it:

  • Clearly explains the benefits of using the upsell funnel.
  • Uses a simple diagram to illustrate the process, making it easy to understand.
  • Emphasizes the ease of setup and the use of AI, appealing to those looking for efficient solutions.

Key takeaways:

  • Clear explanation: Simple and clear explanation of benefits attracts attention.
  • Visual aids: Diagrams help in understanding complex processes easily.
  • Efficiency and AI: Highlighting AI and ease of use appeals to tech-savvy business owners looking for efficient tools.

10. Vonage – Messaging API

Target audience:

  • App developers and software engineers.
  • Businesses looking to integrate messaging services into their apps.

What’s nice about it:

  • Emphasizes the simplicity of using a single API for multiple messaging services.
  • Highlights the flexibility with SDKs available in various programming languages.
  • Uses a vibrant and engaging design that catches the eye.

Key takeaways:

  • Simplicity and convenience: Emphasizing the use of a single API for multiple services appeals to developers looking for efficient solutions.
  • Flexibility: Highlighting support for multiple programming languages increases the appeal.
  • Engaging design: Vibrant and engaging design helps in attracting attention and maintaining interest.

11. Audi’s Ask Me Anything (AMA) campaign:

  1. Objective: Increase brand awareness and engage with a tech-savvy audience.
  2. Approach: The ‘Think Faster’ AMA featured celebrities answering questions submitted via Reddit. The first four episodes featured Elizabeth Banks, Adam Scott, Olivia Munn and Issa Rae.
  3. Results: The AMA received thousands of upvotes and comments, boosting Audi’s visibility and credibility within the community. The engagement helped create a positive perception of the brand.

Final thoughts

From using humor and memes to being direct and informative, there are many ways to create effective Reddit ads.

The key to success on Reddit is understanding the community and creating ads and campaigns that feel authentic and engaging. 

Take the insights from these examples to craft your own ads that resonate with Reddit users. 

Need help with your Reddit ads? Get in touch today.